The day finally arrived for our ride on the fire truck and our grand daughters didn't think it would ever really happen. Dick and I drove to the fire station this afternoon and met up with Jim, the firefighter. Next, I followed in our car and Jim and Dick drove to BB Camp where the girls go everyday. They drove in, gave a blast on the siren and got everyone's attention. Two groups of kids were going out in vans and busses on day trips and overnight camp outs. The day camp group was there and were pretty excited about seeing the truck and learning all about it.
The firefighters have nicknamed the truck "Spongebob Square Truck" because it is yellow and square. There is even a likeness of Spongebob on the side of the truck. The kids asked a lot of questions including "Do you have guns?" (asked by a little boy, of course). Jim was quick to answer yes and pointed out a large water gun on top of the truck. Very impressive.
Finally, Jim tactfully told the kids he was there to pick up three kids for a ride and Eliana, Sarina and Dena took their places inside the truck. Dick, Eliana and Dena in her car seat were buckled into the 4-passenger back seat while Sarina got to ride up front....including wearing a headset so Jim could talk to her above the noise of the fire truck. She said you could see over everything from up there. Then off we went...
We headed around the lake to the new fire station to see it under construction. Next, was a biggie, a ride down main street to Cold Stone for a little ice cream. Then, back into Spongebob for a quick trip to the fire station where Jim showed the girls the other trucks and where the fire fighters have all their gear, etc. Eliana asked what the fire fighters do besides putting out fires so Jim showed them a video of all the things they do around Lincoln City including water rescues on the beach.
What a fun time was had by all. It was just another happy day at the fire station! Especially for Eliana, Sarina and Dena (and maybe Grandma and Grandpa too).