Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dick and I are now into our regular routine at the coast. After a month in West Linn, I couldn't wait to settle back into things. The house is pretty dusty and the bathrooms are dingy but I am getting through them one at a time. One day it dawned on me that with this house and the condo in West Linn, I have 6 bathrooms to clean! Ugh!
Dick has been busy with the Planning Commission and some urban renewal processes going on in the Nelscott area of town. He has been assured that his filing information is all correctly turned in, including checking to make sure all his signatures on his petition were registered voters in our ward, so he is officially running for City Councilman this November. In the last election, the winner got a total of 400+ votes so this isn't like the Presidential bid but should be fun.
Today Dick is playing in his Friday men's league year end tournament at the golf course. He made the final foursome (top 4 in both the Tuesday and Friday leagues combined) so he is pretty happy. Of course, if he gets too excited, his score won't be as good. I am waiting to hear the outcome once he gets home.
I am just enjoying being back to my beach. We are putting up with all the inlanders for another week and then the beach will be empty again with lots of space for Lincoln to run. On Labor Day after 3pm, we will take Linc to the Community Center to swim in the pool. They let all the dogs swim the last day of summer before then drain them and do the maintenance. He loved it last year as he was a pup just getting to know his swimming abilities.
Last evening as we sat on the deck, each with a gin and tonic in hand, we had a whale right in front of our place and not far out. He was just at the breakers. A number of people on the beach saw it too and just stopped everything to watch. After several blowing spouts, he finally rolled his back up out of the water and flipped his tail at us. Beautiful way to end the day!

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