Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break

It has been Spring Break here at the Oregon Coast and lots of people are visiting. Not in our house but in our city. We finally had vacationing neighbors show up next door just a few minutes ago. It is the last Saturday of Spring break so I suspect they are on a different schedule and will be here for more than one night. The vacation times in different areas and states vary so I don't think the onslaught is over after this weekend. Dick informed me the neighbors are from Washington. Aha!

The weather has been better than usual. Most of the rain has been in the evenings with some sun breaks each day. There was one bad day where people either congregated at the mall, swam at the community center or went bowling. It poured! But that isn't bad for Oregon. There are lots of people crawling over the rocks but I think it must be Spring Break for dogs, too. More of them than usual out there having fun. We are seeing extended families around with 2 or 3 dogs so the dogs all have playmates just like the kids. We just saw a three-legged German Shepard having a blast running wobbly along the beach. The unusual sight was a small black dog with him that didn't seem to be having much fun but managed (with 4 legs) to wobble along side the German Shepard. Dick and I wonder if they were raised together and the little black one imitates the big one with the wobble. Cute!

Our cat is enjoying the warmer weather after hibernating all winter. She is on daily treks in the great outdoors. She hides in the grasses and sunbathes on the deck. After originally living on acreage, she certainly has adapted to the coast and no longer roams very far. Just far enough to enjoy all the views of HER ocean.

We are off soon from our vantage point to our regular life but love watching life go on in front of our windows. Wish you were here to enjoy with us. It's just another day, watching the tide come and go.

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